Since its establishment in 1948, DoorKing has made it its goal to deliver the highest-quality Access Control products customers can depend on. Based in California, DoorKing's products are built on American soil and use as many domestically-sourced parts as available.
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Remote Control Solutions RCS-318CTB1A/H DoorKing M…

North Shore Commercial Door offers DoorKing's full line of garage door opener transmitters, gate operators, and building access keypad systems. We carry DoorKing gate operators for residential or commercial use. Choose commercial use-only DoorKing overhead vehicular gate openers for industrial facilities, commercial sites, and apartment complexes. Residential use-only vehicular DKS gate operators are great for unique designs that allow the arm to be attached to the bottom of the gate rail to help hide it from view.
You can turn your telephone into an intercom system with a DoorKing classic telephone intercom system for residential and commercial use. When space is limited, choose a compact DoorKing DKS telephone entry system for installation outside apartment buildings, small businesses, or houses. We have DoorKing gate operator and garage door opener remote control transmitters in 1-button, 2-button, and 3-button models. Many compact DoorKing replacement remotes come with a battery and a molded hole to connect to a keychain.
North Shore Commercial Door prides itself on quality customer service and providing the best and most complete product information to its customers. Contact us at 440-365-5707, or email with any questions.
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