Protect your home with garage doorstop molding weather seals from North Shore Commercial Door. Our weather seal stop molding for garage door tops and sides is sold in 150-ft. rolls to ensure you have enough on hand for this easy-installation weather stripping. Just cut to the length you need.
Stop molding will create a barrier against bugs, dust, dirt and other contaminants without affecting your garage door operations. Stop molding will seal gaps between your door and door jamb to also keep out cold or hot drafts. For garages attached to homes, this can help reduce your utility bills in winter and summer.
Keep insects, rodents and debris outside your garage, while protecting the contents of your garage. Choose yours in white, green, almond, beige, gray or sandstone.
This weather seal is 2-in. in height, although you can order our optional height of 2 5/8 in. The nailing flange is .1875 in. thick.
Product Highlights:
- Seal garage door sides, top-of-door gaps
- Height: 2 in. (Optional 2 5/8-in. height)
- 150-ft. roll. Cut to fit
- Nailing flange thickness: .1875 in.
- Color options: white, beige, sandstone, gray, almond, green

Available in the following colors