North Shore Commercial Door knows that Control Boxes for rolling Steel Door operators haven’t been on the forefront of the industry for a while. These units are often very, basic, bland, and haven’t commanded a lot of attention until today. Janus International is changing the Rolling Steel Door Operator industry with their Pantheon Operator and accessories like the PANTHEON-LC. North Shore Commercial Door is excited to have The Janus International Pantheon Logic Controller available for purchase.
The Pantheon Logic Control Box is a low voltage DC Commercial Control Box that is only intended for use with the PANTHEON Rolling Steel Door Operator. This new product from Janus International features innovative safety features and programming methods that are all electronic.
The PANTHEON-LC Pantheon Logic Controller comes equipped with Soft Start + Soft Stop software which helps reduce or lighten the load exerted on the motor during the beginning and end of operation. This feature helps detect obstructions in the path of the door as well. Traditional operators regardless of their style, require users to set travel limits manually to determine how far the door needs to open or close. This unit takes travel limits to the 21st century. All limits are electronic and are set via learn button on the control box. In the event of a power failure, the customer does not have to reset the travel limits as the control box will retain the settings. Circuit Board
Janus International took the customers ease of installation into account. This circuit board is clearly marked, and features plug in style Terminal Connectors for Simple and Reliable termination of all external accessories. Getting your receiver, or safety eyes hooked up is as simple as removing the block, terminating the wires, and putting the block back. The Pantheon Logic Control Box Circuit board Is easy to understand and has tons of features! The circuit board includes a selectable Auto Close function for up to 60 seconds, has a Diagnostic Fault System, Potentiometers for Electronic Sensitivity, plug in terminal for an external timer, and plug ins for a receiver (12 or 24VDC). Safety
The PANTHEON-LC has a plug in terminal where the user will terminate their safety eyes, as well as an auto reversing feature. When this feature is properly adjusted with the Electronic Sensitivity, will act as an additional safety feature. Any obstruction that the door comes in contact with will cause the operator to stop and reverse its downward closing motion. It should be noted that the Auto Reversing Feature is not a substitute for Safety Eyes.
• Part number PANTHEON-LC
• Choose between the Mini Logic Controller 700005-0000, or the Commercial Logic Controller 700006-0000
• Pantheon Is a low voltage DC Commercial Rolling Door Operator
• Soft Start + Stop Software designed to reduce or lessen the load exerted on the motor during the start of operation and the stop
• Electronic Limits enable the required opening and closing positions to be set by learn button and retained despite any main power fluctuation or interruption.
• No cams, levers, screws, or microswitches
• Clearly marked, Plug in style Terminal Connectors for Simple and reliable connection of all external accessories
• Remove, terminate wires, replace
• Flush Mounted Up, Down, and Stop Buttons on panel
• Auto Close feature is selectable for 10, 20, 40, and 60 seconds
• Diagnostic fault system. Provides a series of beeps
• Plug in terminal for simple wiring of external timer device for 24hr or 7 day period
• 12 or 24 V DC power available to suit device
• Plug in terminal connection for simple wiring of photo electric sensor
• Plug in terminal connection for external receiver device 12 or 24 V DC
• Potentiometers for adjusting electronic sensitivity
• Auto Reversing feature that, when properly adjusted along with electronic sensitivity, will cause the operator to stop and reverse its downward closing motion.
• Feature does not replace safety eyes
• Operator can be fitted to LH or RH mounts (must be specified at time of order)
• Main power fuse and isolation switch designed to allow the qualified technician to switch the main power when making external connection to the circuit board
• fuse protection for main supply 110V AC
The PANTHEON-LC Pantheon Logic Controller comes equipped with Soft Start + Soft Stop software which helps reduce or lighten the load exerted on the motor during the beginning and end of operation. This feature helps detect obstructions in the path of the door as well. Traditional operators regardless of their style, require users to set travel limits manually to determine how far the door needs to open or close. This unit takes travel limits to the 21st century. All limits are electronic and are set via learn button on the control box. In the event of a power failure, the customer does not have to reset the travel limits as the control box will retain the settings. Circuit Board
Janus International took the customers ease of installation into account. This circuit board is clearly marked, and features plug in style Terminal Connectors for Simple and Reliable termination of all external accessories. Getting your receiver, or safety eyes hooked up is as simple as removing the block, terminating the wires, and putting the block back. The Pantheon Logic Control Box Circuit board Is easy to understand and has tons of features! The circuit board includes a selectable Auto Close function for up to 60 seconds, has a Diagnostic Fault System, Potentiometers for Electronic Sensitivity, plug in terminal for an external timer, and plug ins for a receiver (12 or 24VDC). Safety
The PANTHEON-LC has a plug in terminal where the user will terminate their safety eyes, as well as an auto reversing feature. When this feature is properly adjusted with the Electronic Sensitivity, will act as an additional safety feature. Any obstruction that the door comes in contact with will cause the operator to stop and reverse its downward closing motion. It should be noted that the Auto Reversing Feature is not a substitute for Safety Eyes.
- Width: 8.5 Inches
- Height: 12 Inches
• Part number PANTHEON-LC
• Choose between the Mini Logic Controller 700005-0000, or the Commercial Logic Controller 700006-0000
• Pantheon Is a low voltage DC Commercial Rolling Door Operator
• Soft Start + Stop Software designed to reduce or lessen the load exerted on the motor during the start of operation and the stop
• Electronic Limits enable the required opening and closing positions to be set by learn button and retained despite any main power fluctuation or interruption.
• No cams, levers, screws, or microswitches
• Clearly marked, Plug in style Terminal Connectors for Simple and reliable connection of all external accessories
• Remove, terminate wires, replace
• Flush Mounted Up, Down, and Stop Buttons on panel
• Auto Close feature is selectable for 10, 20, 40, and 60 seconds
• Diagnostic fault system. Provides a series of beeps
• Plug in terminal for simple wiring of external timer device for 24hr or 7 day period
• 12 or 24 V DC power available to suit device
• Plug in terminal connection for simple wiring of photo electric sensor
• Plug in terminal connection for external receiver device 12 or 24 V DC
• Potentiometers for adjusting electronic sensitivity
• Auto Reversing feature that, when properly adjusted along with electronic sensitivity, will cause the operator to stop and reverse its downward closing motion.
• Feature does not replace safety eyes
• Operator can be fitted to LH or RH mounts (must be specified at time of order)
• Main power fuse and isolation switch designed to allow the qualified technician to switch the main power when making external connection to the circuit board
• fuse protection for main supply 110V AC