Micanan Systems

Find radio transmitters and receivers at North Shore Commercial Door to control your Micanan overhead door commercial or industrial garage door operator.

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We have Micanan one-channel transmitters and three-channel transmitters from Canada's renowned maker of industrial and commercial overhead door operators. With the Micanan CT-32 industrial garage door opener remote control radio transmitter, you can control open, close and stop functions on as many as 32 commercial garage door and gate operators. Choose hand-held or wall-mount remotes. Our Micanan receivers with built-in antennas can be adjusted for wider range by connecting them to coaxial cables. We also carry Micanan replacement parts for your Micanan operator. Find affordably priced parts for Micanan GH, H, LH, LJ, Pro-J and Pro-JB models. We have created an Exploded Parts View (EPV) page for each Micanan model that illustrates what parts look like and how they are positioned when installed on your model Micanan overhead door 9[operator.

Micanan is headquartered out of Montreal, Canada with Distribution centers in the USA.

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