Welcome to the Tucker Auto-Mation Product Manuals & Instructions page! Here you will find a complete list of installation manuals and user guides for Tucker Automatic Swinging Door Operators, the ELEKTRA SLIDE Automatic Interior Sliding Door Operator, The BAT Motion Sensor, the TORPEDO-ONE & TORPEDO II Presence Sensors and much more! At North Shore Commercial Door, we provide our valued customers with free, downloadable manuals and user guides in addition to top-notch technical phone support, live chat, videos and other helpful resources. If you can't find the product or information you are looking for or have any questions about Tucker Auto-Mation Automatic Door Openers or Accessories, our helpful sales and support team is available by phone at 1-800-783-6112 or direct chat between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday. Or, send us an e-mail with your questions or request at any time to support@northshorecommercialdoor.com and a North Shore Commercial Door representative will reach out to you.